Level 3 NVQ in Electrotechnical Services
C&G Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Installing Electrotechnical Systems and Equipment
This is a requirement for those wishing to become fully fledged Electricians. Normally these site based assessments take place after or during the year of studying the Level 3 Technical Certificate e.g. C&G 2365 or equivalent.
The NVQ3 site assessments are based upon Performance Units which consist of doing a job (or jobs) from start to finish. A portfolio of evidence is gathered with the help and guidance from a Qualified Assessor from the Centre.
Evidence is needed to satisfy levels of competence in a variety of site activities. An initial induction session at the Centre will start you on your way, and then regular Portfolio Reviews will make sure that you are on track. You will also need to undertake a minimum of two succesful onsite reviews.
Knowledge units
These may be achieved by completing the City & Guilds 2365 Levels 2 and 3 (or equivalent) and migrating them into this Diploma.
Assessment details (Performance Units)
Applying health and safety legislation and working practices
Applying environmental legislation and working practices
Overseeing and organising the work environment
Planning, preparing and Installing wiring systems and equipment
Terminating and connecting conductors and cables
Inspecting, testing, commissioning and certifying electrotechnical systems and equipment
Diagnosing and correcting electrical faults.
Site based assessment: When requested.
Portfolio building: Initial session at the Centre then ongoing portfolio reviews.
Portfolio assessment: At the Centre.
Cost including assessment fees and certification
£1600 + VAT = £1920
Enrollment on to the course requires payment in full.
Book this course in 3 simple steps.
1. Download and look at our 'Programmes and Costs' PDF to verify which course you would like to attend, the starting date and the costs.
2. Then complete our 'Booking form' either online or download and print it here.
3. Send payment to:
Arena Training Centre Ltd, Unit 1, Coleford Road Business Centre, Darnall, Sheffield, S9 5NF
Please make cheques payable to Arena Training Centre Limited or you can pay via card over the telephone or in person.
Still not sure which course is right?
Call us on 0114 2562 007 and we can advise you.
Please note
You have 18 months from Registration to complete the process.